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When people ask you how old you are, you don’t always have to give them a straight answer. 

Sometimes, it’s fun to come up with a witty or funny reply that makes you and the other person laugh. 

Whether you’re comfortable sharing your age or not, having a clever response ready can turn a simple question into an entertaining exchange.

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 100 funny replies you can use the next time someone asks about your age. 

These responses range from playful and sassy to simple and humorous, giving you plenty of options to choose from depending on your mood and the situation.

So, if you’re looking for a way to keep conversations light and fun, or just want to dodge the age question with a bit of humor, you’re in the right place.

[Also Read: 84 Comebacks For When Someone Asks “When Are You Going To Settle Down?”]

Replies For When People Ask Your Age

Replies For When People Ask Your Ag
  1. “I stopped counting after 21. I’m in bonus levels now.”
  2. “Why, do you need to calculate the time left for my birthday gift?”
  3. “Somewhere over 20.”
  4. “Younger than some, older than others.”
  5. “I celebrated my last birthday with cake and candles.”
  6. “Age is just a detail.”
  7. “I’m at a comfortable age.”
  8. “Old enough to remember dial-up internet, young enough to understand TikTok.”
  9. “I’m at that age where my back goes out more than I do.”
  10. “I’m in the prime of my mischief.”
  11. “Secret. Top secret.”
  12. “I’m at the ‘you have to bribe me with wine’ age.”
  13. “Age is just a number, and mine’s unlisted.”
  14. “I’ve been 29 for a few years now.”
  15. “Old enough to know not to answer that question.”
  16. “I’m like a fine wine, I only get better with time.”
  17. “Pick a number, any number.”
  18. “Old enough to appreciate a nap, young enough to still enjoy a late night.”
  19. “As old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth.”
  20. “I graduated from the Jurassic period, top of my class!”
  21. “I’m currently enjoying my [insert decade]s.”
  22. “Just turned [insert age].”
  23. “I’m old enough!”
  24. “I’ve had [insert number] birthdays so far.”
  25. “Somewhere between old enough to know better and young enough to still try it.”
  26. “Ageless, but with more experience every year.”
  27. “Old enough to start lying about it.”
  28. “I’ve been around since the last century!”
  29. “A lady never reveals her age, and a gentleman never asks.”
  30. “Let’s just say I’m vintage and getting more valuable every year.”
  31. “More than 18, less than 100.”
  32. “Old enough to vote and order a drink!”
  33. “Let’s say I’m seasoned.”
  34. “I’m [insert age] years young.”
  35. “I’m vintage, not old.”
  36. “Old enough to remember when Pluto was a planet.”
  37. “Still young enough to make poor decisions, but old enough not to care.”
  38. “A magician never reveals their real age.”
  39. “I’m more mysterious than my age lets on.”
  40. “Chronologically gifted!”
  41. “I’m like a comic book; I have multiple origin stories.”
  42. “Let’s just say I have experienced a few ‘technical upgrades’ over the years.”
  43. “I’m at the age where my mind still thinks it’s 29, my humor suggests I’m 12, while my body mostly keeps asking if I’m sure I’m not dead yet.”
  44. “Old enough to not buy green bananas.”
  45. “Why, do I look my age?”
  46. “Every year is a new chapter.”
  47. “I’m [insert age]. How about you?”
  48. “Just the right age to be me.”
  49. “I’m an 80s/90s/00s baby.”
  50. “I’ve seen [insert number] winters.”
  51. “Old enough to remember floppy disks.”
  52. “As old as the Internet.”
  53. “Still in the range of ‘young adult’ by book genres.”
  54. “I’m at an age where I think I know most things.”
  55. “Just old enough to start saying ‘back in my day’.”
  56. “I’m [insert age], but age is more about how you feel, right?”
  57. “Happy to be [insert age]!”
  58. “I was born in the year [insert year].”
  59. “Old enough to be nostalgic about the ‘good old days’.”
  60. “I’m at that sweet spot—old enough to know better, young enough to still do it.”
  61. “Still celebrating birthdays, so not too old yet.”
  62. “Ageless and timeless.”
  63. “Born at a very early age.”
  64. “I’ve been 18 a few times now.”
  65. “Old enough to know better, too young to resist.”
  66. “Like a car, I came out in a good year.”
  67. “Young enough to still do dumb things, but old enough to afford them.”
  68. “I’m in the Neolithic era in spirit.”
  69. “A classic, and classics never go out of style.”
  70. “I have an ancient soul with a youthful heart.”
  71. “Old enough to know not to buy pre-shredded cheese.”
  72. “Let’s just say I remember when bread was 5 cents.”
  73. “Old enough that my birth certificate is in Roman numerals.”
  74. “Older than my teeth, but younger than my tongue.”
  75. “Not as old as I’ll be next year.”
  76. “Old enough to remember when hashtags were still pound signs.”
  77. “I’m at that age where I forget how old I am.”
  78. “Age? I think I stopped counting after 21.”
  79. “Somewhere between young enough to do it and old enough to know better.”
  80. “Let’s just say I was an eyewitness to the creation of the internet.”
  81. “I’ve been [insert age] a couple of times now.”
  82. “I’m at the age where ‘happy hour’ is a nap.”
  83. “Old enough to know better, young enough to still try.”
  84. “I’m prehistoric, in a cute way.”
  85. “I’m a seasoned human being.”
  86. “Let’s just say I’ve been around the block more times than Google Maps.”
  87. “I’m at that mysterious age.”
  88. “My age? Somewhere between meme culture and email forwards.”
  89. “Old enough that my back goes out more than I do.”
  90. “You know, old enough to remember when we had to dial up the internet.”
  91. “I’m experienced level [insert age].”
  92. “Old enough to have a Blockbuster card.”
  93. “I’m forever 29 and some shipping and handling.”
  94. “I remember when Netflix mailed DVDs.”
  95. “I’m at the ‘don’t trust anyone over 30’ stage, and I’m [insert age]!”
  96. “Just old enough to start making ‘when I was your age’ comments.”
  97. “I’m not old, I’m a classic.”
  98. “I’m [insert age], but who’s counting?”
  99. “Old enough to have an opinion on everything.”
  100. “Young enough to still do silly things, old enough not to care.”

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Anita Oge

Meet Anita, a relationship writer with a passion for helping people navigate the complexities of love and dating. With a background in information science, she has a wealth of knowledge and insight to share. Her writing is sure to leave you feeling empowered and inspired.

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